How to Stay Kinky in a Pandemic
Recently the term “essential” has taken on a whole new meaning.
Essential workers, essential services: we’re all coming to a new understanding of who and what really matters to us. We believe that our erotic selves are an essential part of us and deserve to be nurtured and expressed, especially when life is stressful.
Goddess Anais & Co. are incredibly excited to announce the launch of our new e-zine: THE EROTIC RELEASE. Three times a week, we’ll deliver, straight to your inbox, a tasty morsel of kink that will surprise and delight you (and taunt you just a little, ‘cuz we know you like it).
Each and every release will include:
A quote, video, or audio clip, chosen to inspire you and get your sexy juices flowing
An interactive assignment from Goddess Anais
NEW & ORIGINAL multimedia content produced by, and featuring, Goddess Anais & Co.
We are so excited about creating these photos, videos, and audio recordings and sharing them with you! We’re working (safely, with PPEs and obsessive levels of clean) with incredibly talented storytellers and cinematographers to bring you high-quality, up-close-and-as-personal-as-we-can-get, sexy-as-fuck experiences that are uniquely US, for YOU.
We know we’re not the only folks whose primary source of income has been eliminated or cut for an undetermined period of time because of COVID-19. With that in mind, we’re offering two tribute levels:
FULL ACCESS MEMBER [Tributes of $250 and up]
One month subscription to THE EROTIC RELEASE: 12 editions (roughly 3x a week) guaranteed
Access to the FULL AND COMPLETE library of multimedia content
First-in-line to RSVP for exclusive video “play parties” with Goddess Anais & Co. Personalized feedback to submissions of completed assignments
Opportunities to submit requests for your personal fantasy to become THE EROTIC RELEASE’S next video, photo, or audio creation!
TEASER MEMBER [Tributes of $100-$249]
One month subscription to THE EROTIC RELEASE: 12 editions (roughly 3x a week) guaranteed
Access to teasers of audio and video content, with the opportunity to purchase full versions for an additional charge
Invitations to exclusive video “play parties” with Goddess Anais & Co. (additional charge to participate)
photo by Sin-Cine
If you are in a position to do so, perhaps consider a tribute in the amount of what you might have spent on an in-person session with Goddess Anais and her assistant(s).
Once we receive your subscription information, we will contact you with instructions on how to securely make your tribute and get your release!